Monday, May 3, 2010

Tips To Play And Win Facebook Mafia Wars

Are you looking for Facebook Mafia Wars tips to win the competition? The game of facebook mafia wars is broken into one or two key objectives. There's a commercial engine that rewards you for making smart decisions and converting the maximum amount of your earned earnings into passive revenues as practicable. The game is fun, addictive, and best of all can be played well with a minimal daily investment of time. Your first go in readies it's also worth realizing you have got a checking account that you can store cash in, but any money in, but any money the bank won't be reflected here. It's important in head honcho fights which are released in serious detail in the Doin' the Job section.

Aside from that, it just sets the quantity of times you get attacked when a smash is put out on you and how many fights you can indulge in before healing. Energy, Energy is the principal source of your earned takings and a large piece of your XP. It'll come back one point each five minutes. For more tricky tips and secrets to win the crowd, read mafia wars cheats.

Doin' the Job will give you a radical breakdown on leveraging your energy as well as talking about the velocity leveling system using energy. Roles and items will be your first focus after you get in to the game. Endurance is used to try and attack other mafia wars players, rob other players, cash in on a smash on another player, sucker smacking, and placing hits on other players. Outside of roles, this is the only other way to generate XP. Handle It! The game will steer you through a simple series of examples of what the game contains when you are completely free to make your own decisions.

The 1st job is exactly what most will be about You spend X energy for Y experience, some sum of money, and with some roles, a tiny chance at special loot. Like this first one as you can never get 2 or more experience per energy later on in the game.

And congratulations! Also read more Facebook Mafia Wars Cheats you were given a loot item and a dummy NPC to invite in to your mob to get to size 1! We are going to talk more about Mafia size later and the Fightin' and Robbin' section has a lot more to indicate. Next you'll make your first attack and then get your first property and the 1st real call comes in to play.

"Don" and your family name works really well and the game supports multiple folk with the same name. The more unique and unusual your name, the more thematic some of the in game text will be for your pals. As for personality type, here's a break down on what the choice comprises. Now , there is not any way to change it after you make it, so consider punctiliously.

Friday, April 30, 2010

In Mafia Wars Christmas Is A Time for Giving

All around the world the Christmas season has traditionally a time of giving. Some give to “Da Family�? and others give to friends and acquaintances, but there are some who choose to give to charities to help those who are not as privileged as they are.

This Yuletide Season Zynga has chosen a charity and asked that the members of Mafia Wars help. The charity that they have chosen is called FATEM and is based in Mirebalais, Haiti. The group is dedicated to bringing information technology to the people of Haiti which will help with economic advancement in the area. The group also supports the general education of Haitian children and ensures that these children receive meals that will help them grow and learn.

For you contribution Zynga has chosen to offer a special Limited Edition item that you can use in Mafia Wars at the cost of 25 Godfather Points.

Haitian Drum – 44 Attack – 46 Defense

As Mafia Wars players I can guarantee that none of us know what it is like to go without a meal or live in live in the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Haiti is the 7th poorest nation in the world and we have the chance to help Zynga bring needed food and technology to the country.

The cost of the item is 25 Reward Points. Many of us have that many saved up from leveling but using these points will not help the people of Haiti. You can purchase 42 reward points for a measly $7.00, less than most of us pay for a fast food meal. If you can afford it please invest in the future of another country.

Help Zynga change the lives of the children of Haiti if you can.

Do you want to discover some real Mafia Wars Cheats&Secrets? Click HERE to instantly download this great guide that reveals the Best Mafia Wars Cheats&Secrets ever Seen

Thursday, April 29, 2010

4 Simple Mafia Wars Tips For A Strong Character

I have been playing Mafia Wars for quite some time and have built numerous characters so I thought I would pass along four simple things that are the basis of creating a strong character.

1.) Use your Energy effectively

This is probably the most important thing in Mafia Wars. If you want to level quickly you need to make sure that you put your energy to the best use. Visit one of the bookmarklet pages and pick up a tool to help you determine how to manage your energy when completing jobs.

2.) Linear Jobs

Complete jobs in a linear manner for the best results in the long run. If you are starting a new character begin with the Street Thug tier and complete all three levels of it before moving on. Resist the urge to jump around on the tiers simply because you are high enough level for them. This holds true for expansion as well. Visit them to get your business started then forget about them except for collecting your business payouts.

3.) Build a Strong Mafia

Spend time visiting add me pages or add me email pages to build your mafia. Only 500 of your mafia may participate in a fight but having a huge mafia is a boon in and of itself. Some of the advantages of having a large mafia are completing collections and re-vaulting for boosts. You will be surprised how quickly you can finish out collections and get the bonuses by simply asking for the items. Always be sure to gift in return when you can as well.

4.) Equip Your Mafia

Your mafia is only as strong as the equipment that you provide them. When you enter into combat you will provide each of the 500 members of your mafia with an offensive weapon, a defensive item, and a vehicle. Having the best is a way to ensure that you are a formidable enemy for anyone who chooses to attack you.

These four tips might seem like “no-brainers�? but you would be surprised at how many people do not follow these simple ideas. Many are racing to get to the highest level they can and pay little or no attention to building and equipping a strong mafia. Others have no idea how to maximize their energy or where to find a bookmarklet to help. Use these simple tips to make your Mafia Wars experience more enjoyable.

Do you want to discover some real Mafia Wars Cheats&Secrets? Click HERE to instantly download this great guide that reveals the Best Mafia Wars Cheats&Secrets ever Seen

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Learn Some Strategies In Mafia Wars - A Terrifying Game

A game designed by Zynga, Mafia wars has become greatly popular nowadays. In fact, it now has millions of players. One of the useful motivations of such game is to expand and strengthen your Mafia family by convincing your friends to join in. To succeed in this game, you need to fight, purchase properties, level up, make money, grow your family, experience points, and a whole lot more.

Since it is now so famous, it isn't a surprise that more and more people are now looking for ways just to find useful cheats on the said game. Unfortunately, these cheats are very hard to find in the Internet. This is because Zynga is really good at fixing any leaks especially about cheats. When they found out that a website has published a cheat online, they will act on it immediately. But why do you need to search for cheats? Simple. You want to be powerful and unbeatable in the said game.

If you are urbane enough, you can try to find some mafia wars cheats by utilizing the so-called Cheat Engine to alter some variables. You just need to download Cheat Engine and you can now check the game's elements and then cheat by means of altering the variables like health and stamina.

Some strategies you can use in playing Mafia Wars are:

o    Fight
It is advisable to fight bigger Mafia. The secret here is to choose the person who has big amount of money which is proportionate to a huge possibility of winning the game. Before joining in the fight, make sure your supply of money is low. This is important because those who have more money also have more to lose once they lose a fight. It is hence important to buy properties and businesses first before getting into a fight.

o    Take care of your health
The cost of restoring your health to the highest level depends on the amount of money you have. The rule here is: the lesser your money, the more advisable it is to consult your doctor. Those who have big amount of money are oftentimes asked by the doctor to pay bigger amount for their healing. Nevertheless, you have to consider the amount you can earn from fights because it can be smaller than the amount your need to pay for your doctor.

o    Buy properties and businesses
Are you familiar with the compounding theory? This is also applicable in Mafia Wars. If you want to play and you're sure that you won't be playing again for the next hours, make sure to purchase several properties and businesses first. They will contribute a lot to your income even while you are playing. It is also okay to wait until you accumulate enough money.

o    Improve your stamina by using skill points
It is always worthwhile to utilize your skill points because it will help improve your stamina which in turn allows you to do more jobs. If you do more jobs, you are actually leveling up for every job. It does not only provide you with skill points but also defense and attack points. Another tip is to upgrade or restore your health early to be able to fight for a few more rounds.

o    Upgrade your energy level
Energy is vital in this game because it lets you do more missions that bring in money.

These are just few but helpful Mafia Wars strategies which will make you level up speedily and gain more money while still having fun playing this oh-so-addictive game.

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